Getting Clear – Accessing the Wisdom Within
There are many many approaches to meditation. My guided meditations are one step on the way for you to discover what works for you.
You can find more talks and meditations on my Substack site.
Meditations For You
You can find more meditations and articles on my Substack site.
Clearing Meditation & Process
There are many many approaches to meditation. My guided meditations are one step on the way for you to discover what works for you. This one is designed to help you release issues that may have arisen in a session with me or in your own enquiry. It is a step by step process. Pause it whenever you need to increase the time you can just sit with what arises. Over time you can create your own version of this.
Forgiveness Meditation
This meditation is designed to help you forgive others and perhaps yourself. It is a simple step by step guided process. Again, if this is valuable for you, you can use it often and design your own version that suits you best. I still use this often, because forgiveness is a path to awakening that can be walked often.
Near where I live is a gully where the bellbirds sing in the morning, along with their many other bird friends. This is a very Australian sound. I recorded this recently. This is not a guided meditation but I find there are times when just allowing myself to be "lost" in the sounds of nature brings me to a place within where I experience directly...I am not alone.
I, like the bellbirds, are part of the incredible dance of consciousness. To me they are like a gift from the Divine, singing to each other, singing to the trees, and allowing me to listen in.