I offer one on one healing sessions by donation. Your donation is gratefully received so that others can find value here as well. Below I explain why.
Why Donate?
15 years or so ago I went to a 10-day Vipassana retreat. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life. We had six young kids at home and it was no small feat for our family for me to leave my wife at home while I disappeared for 10 days. (note: later she did the retreat and I stayed at home...another story :)
The way that the Vipassana centre supported itself was by asking those who attended to make a donation for the retreat after they completed it. Their approach …very Buddhist… was to say. “We don’t do this to receive payment from you, this retreat is our offering to you. But in order to keep this going, please make a donation of whatever is possible and appropriate for you, so that another person or other people can have this experience”.
I found their approach liberating, and consequently I felt free and generous when I could donate something for someone else to have something important happen in their lives. So I decided to take this approach in the work I do here. Of course without your donations we can’t continue, but I wanted to offer you the same liberating experience I had of providing a service to others in the donation you make. This way I get to serve, you get to serve others, sooner or later we all get to serve. That’s got to be good for the world.
After your sessions with us, if you feel it contributed value and meaning for you, pay it forward for someone else to perhaps have their own meaningful experience.
Thank you.
(note: Our group sessions, business mentoring and wisdom circles are offered at agreed prices. Please check the the tabs here on our website for Business Mentoring and Wisdom Circles to find out more. Please feel free to get in touch with us to find out more details).