About Ian
Ian Haycroft
I am 70 now. Like many of you, I searched for ways to be internally free. Some of those efforts failed miserably, and some of them opened doors I had not even imagined. Born in Australia, I started meditating when a young man. Based on some of my experiences with meditation I went to India to “find my guru” in 1977. My one year trip away ended up being a journey of 21 years. From India I hitch-hiked through Europe and the United States
In the United States I met my wife Kim. I was there for twenty years, and it was there we had our six children. I worked, helped Kim raise our children, and tried to figure out what life meant in amongst the daily challenges of working and being a parent. I remember going to a psychic in Pennsylvania some time around our fourth child.
He said… ”your guide, Paramanhansa Yogananda, is here and says he is learning from you how to live a spiritual life whilst raising children, and working an ordinary life”. The most important book that got me on the road to India was his “Autobiography Of A Yogi”. Needless to say I believed I had everything to learn from him, and that he had little to learn from me.
But that opened a way for me to believe I was somehow on a path worth pursuing. In 1995 I started working in China, and 1996 we moved to China as a family, where I was General Manager of a vegetable export company. Let’s just say that the three years in China were “instructive” and “challenging”. With me exhausted and our family in need of some stability we moved back to Australia.
I had a moment when I realised that despite having too many young children to support, I could not just keep on the corporate pathway, I needed to find what I loved to do and still support my family. That’s when I discovered Kinesiology and a way to serve people on their path to freedom. It became a path to freedom for me as well.
My children have grown up, I am still here, “still standing” as Paul Simon says, and I decided that it is now my time to serve beyond the confines of a clinic in Australia and reach out to those in the world who might benefit from what I have learned. I hope you might be among them.
I hope that you can find some support in booking either a one-on-one online session with me, a group healing and discovery session, a group discovery circle, reading a blog ,or taking a course. I offer these to you, and ask that if they are of benefit to you, that you donate something on the donation page, to provide the financial capacity for us to offer something of value to others.
You can also become a free subscriber to my substack site where I write more and share meditations.

“I loved my session with you. It opened a world of possibilities for me and the sense of lifting a weight off was quite profound.”
— Anne. (Sunshine Coast, QLD)